Grug Muse is a poet and essayist from Dyffryn Nantlle. Day-to-day she works as a writer, editor and freelance facilitator. Her latest collection of poetry – merch y llyn – was published by Cyhoeddiadau’r Stamp in 2021 won the poetry category of Wales Book of the Year 2022. Grug’s essays have been published in magazines including Planet and O’r Pedwar Gwynt.
She is an editor for Cyhoeddiadau’r Stamp, and a co-edited a collection of essays,Welsh (Plural): Essays on the Future of Wales, that was published by Repeater in spring 2022.  

“I’m really looking forward to the opportunity to learn from experienced facilitators, and from other practitioners, and I hope the program will help me develop my knowledge and experience of how to use literature as a way of discussing, understanding and coping with difficult situations and experiences.” 

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