
To watch the video with English subtitles / translation, please click the subtitles icon on the YouTube video. A version with Welsh-language subtitles can be viewed here, and a version with German subtitles can be viewed here. 



Iestyn Tyne is the co-founder and co-editor of Y Stamp magazine and publications. He has published two collections of poetry and a pamphlet; his third collection of poetry and a novel for young adults will be published this year. He is one of the co-editors of the Welsh (plural) anthology of essays, due for publication in 2022. He lives in Caernarfon and works as a freelance writer, musician, translator and editor.

Osian Meilir is a freelance dance and movement artist based in Cardiff. Meilir works predominantly as a choreographer and performer working across Wales, the UK and Internationally. Culture, identity and community drives his artistic practice and he’s currently looking for further opportunities to research and create his own work.




yn y diwedd

Yn y diwedd, â’r un gangen ir yn y fforest bydredig

yn gollwng yr olaf o’i dail, beth fyddwn

yn wyneb y gwirionedd hwnnw? Gall galar

a chywilydd fod yn enwau gwahanol

ar yr un wylo. Hwyrach, ym marwnadu’r

munudau olaf, y bydd modd, o’r diwedd

i grymanu’r corff am onglau’r gwir,

taflu dwy fraich am wddf ein terfynoldeb.


Hynny, a gofyn, yn y nos anial, ddiwyneb:

beth yw’r awydd hwn sy’n fy nhynnu weithiau

i siglo ar ddibyn, rhwygo fy mrest ar agor

a chlywed y rhyferthwy’n chwibanu yn ogof fach

y galon? Gofyn: beth os mai dysgu sut i farw

yw’r unig ffordd o barhau i fyw?

Iestyn Tyne


in the end

In the end, as the one unwithered bough in the decaying forest

drops the last of its leaves, what shall we be

in the face of that truth? Grief

and shame can be different names

for the same weeping. It may be, in the elegies

of the final moments, that we shall be able at last

to scythe the body into the angles of truth,

to throw our arms around the neck of our finiteness.


That, and asking, into the desolate and faceless night:

What is this desire that draws me sometimes

to sway at a precipice, to rip open my chest

and hear the tempest whistle in the small cavern

of the heart? Asking: what if learning how to die

is the only way we can go on living?

Iestyn Tyne


am Ende

Am Ende, wenn der einzige unverdorrte Ast im verfallenden Wald

das letzte seiner Blätter fallen lässt, was werden wir sein

angesichts dieser Wahrheit? Kummer

und Scham können unterschiedliche Namen sein

für das gleiche Weinen. Es mag sein, dass wir in den Elegien

der letzten Augenblicke endlich

den Körper in die Winkel der Wahrheit schneiden können,

um unsere Arme um den Hals unserer Endlichkeit zu schlingen.


Das, und in die trostlose und gesichtslose Nacht zu fragen:

was ist dieses Verlangen, das mich manchmal anzieht,

an einem Abgrund zu schwanken, meine Brust aufzureißen

und den Sturm in der kleinen Höhle des Herzens pfeifen

zu hören? Frage: was wäre, wenn Sterbenlernen

unser einziger Weg ist zum Weiterleben?

Translation by Eluned Gramich

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