
The Project’s Partners

The project is run by Literature Wales with the support of Welsh Government, S4C, Welsh Books Council and Urdd Gobaith Cymru.

Literature Wales
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Welsh Government
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Books Council of Wales
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Urdd Gobaith Cymru
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Arts & Business Cymru
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Bute Energy
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Literature Wales

Literature Wales is the National Company for the development of the literature art-form in Wales.

Our mission is to inspire communities, develop writers, and celebrate Wales’ literary culture by: increasing the accessibility and impact of creative writing for participants in Wales; enabling early career writers to engage with opportunities to hone and diversify their skills; and strengthening the range, reach and reputation of Wales’ writers.
This will deliver a Wales where literature empowers, improves and brightens lives.
Our core activities include the Wales Book of the Year Award, creative writing courses at Tŷ Newydd Writing Centre, Bardd Plant Cymru, the Llên Pawb | Lit Reach literature in the community initiative, Writer’s Bursaries and Mentoring, the National Poet of Wales, the Writers on Tour funding scheme and more.

Visit the Literature Wales website to find out more about our mission, impact and activities:

Welsh Government

The aim of the Welsh Government is to have a million Welsh speakers by 2050. This is a long-term aim, and the education system has a key contribution to make in order to make it happen.

In order to achieve the aim, the curriculum will need to be developed in order to ensure that all learners in Wales are able to develop their Welsh language skills for social use and in future work. One of the key aims within the 2050 Welsh language strategy is to establish positive practices in the use of the language, as well as formal and informal opportunities to use the Welsh language socially.

The strategy notes that there is a need to plan provision for pupils which not only gives them the opportunity to use or practice the Welsh language, but which instils in them the positive aspects of the language, which will mean that they decide to use it. Welsh in education: Action plan 2017-21 was published to set out the direction for the development of Welsh-medium and Welsh language education over the four years, in line with the vision of Cymraeg 2050: A million Welsh speakers and Education in Wales: Our national mission, Action plan 2017–21. In the context of the new curriculum there is a commitment to develop transitional approaches to Welsh language learning, teaching and assessment, with the aim of ensuring an increase in the number of confident Welsh speakers within the statutory education system and ensuring, in the future, that all learners are able to use Welsh after leaving school.

The Welsh Government is happy to support the Bardd Plant Cymru scheme. Through the grant scheme to promote and facilitate the use of the Welsh language, they have invested regularly in Mentrau Iaith, the Urdd, the National Eisteddfod, Young Farmers' Clubs, Merched y Wawr, Cymdeithas Eisteddfodau Cymru, and local newspapers to provide new and varied opportunities for families, children and young people to use their Welsh socially outside school hours.

The Welsh Government is also aware of the need to widen the informal opportunities for children and young people in order to bridge the gap between education and the wider community. Beyond the boundaries of the school, there is still a need to work closely with key community partners and organisations on the ground in order to provide exciting opportunities to use Welsh outside school hours.


S4C is the only Welsh-language public service broadcaster. S4C broadcasts over 115 hours of programmes each week - from sport, drama and music to factual, entertainment and events - on various platforms, including online. S4C offers extensive services for children: Cyw for younger viewers, Stwnsh for older children and programmes for children and teenagers.

Books Council of Wales

The Welsh Books Council is a national body which provides a focus for the publishing industry in Wales. A range of activities for children and young people are organised by the Children's Books and Reading Promotion department, including a number to which Bardd Plant Cymru contributes. Examples are writing poems to present to the Tir na n-Og awards winners and workshops at the annual national book competitions. Welsh Books Council also produces posters of the poet’s poems and distribute these to all schools in Wales.

Urdd Gobaith Cymru

Urdd Gobaith Cymru is a national voluntary youth organization with over 55,000 members aged between 8 and 25 years. They provide opportunities for children and young people to enjoy experiences through the medium of Welsh which will enable them to make a positive contribution in their communities. Development officers in each area of Wales ensure that a full program of activities is offered to children and young people including weekly clubs, competitions, sports, trips abroad and trips to residential centres.

Arts & Business Cymru

We are grateful to Arts & Business Cymru CultureStep for supporting the Dychmyga Dyfodol / Imagine a Future project for secondary school pupils in Powys, led by Alex Wharton and Nia Morais and taking place in Autumn 2024.

Bute Energy

We are grateful to Bute Energy for supporting the Dychmyga Dyfodol / Imagine a Future project for secondary school pupils in Powys, led by Alex Wharton and Nia Morais and taking place in Autumn 2024.
